- Baby change
- Cafe
- Stroller accessible
- Toilets
Kidz Palooza is an indoor edutainment centre offering a safe and encouraging environment to play and imagine. The facility includes theme-based zones with various activities from painting to pottery. There is also a tot corner specifically for toddlers.
Kidz Palooza also offers salon service for kids, a nail spa to pamper yourself, and a café to enjoy a snack with a drink made out of a quality blend of Raw Coffee.
Play zones include Pottery, Adventure Soft Playground, Tot Corner, Paint Studio, Building Blocks, Craft Station, The Market, and Backstage.
Drop in rates: children up to 12 years – 70 AED/hour (2 Free Adults With Every One Child Entry), additional hour – 45 AED/hour, additional adults – 20 AED. Paint and Plat – 115 AED, Canvas Painting – 95 AED/hours.