About Us

Trip with Toddler is a travel platform that inspires families to explore the world together with their toddlers. We found toddler-friendly restaurants, places to explore, and playgrounds for your family to enjoy all over the world. 

Hi, I’m Evelina - the founder of Trip with Toddler

In 2016 Amy, my first child was born. Soon after, when she was just 4 months old, I decided that travelling can’t take a back seat in our lives and we’re ready to hit the road. 


I didn’t know what to pack or how to entertain my little girl on the flight. What if her ears hurt or she doesn’t stop crying? I did my research by reading forums and blog posts but it was time-consuming and I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. In the midst of all the worries and fears, the idea for Trip with Toddler was born but I left it brewing at the back of my head. 

Our first trip was to Cyprus. Almost a 4-hour airplane journey from Vilnius, Lithuania went fine but the time in Cyprus was a disaster. Amy started teething… We definitely didn’t prepare for how grumpy our newborn got. And she was grumpy all the time.  


It was February so the temperature difference between these two countries was as high as 34 degrees! Although Amy was wearing thin cotton clothes, they were not thin enough. She was too hot and I was too worried she would overheat or get sunburnt. She simply refused to lie in the pram so we also had to carry her in the carrier. Even that wasn’t good enough for her as she was getting too uncomfortable so we were basically stuck with the only option of the hotel room. 


When we left for the trip, we hoped to explore Cyprus, see some beautiful historical sites, and eat at local restaurants but we ended up staying in the hotel room most of the time because only there our baby would be quiet and happy. 

Our first, unfortunately, unsuccessful attempt to travel as a family of three made us resist a second trip abroad. We tried travelling within the borders of Lithuania but Amy hated car trips, too, though for a good reason – she would get travel sickness and throw up every single time. 


When she was approaching her first birthday, as if stricken by amnesia, we decided to take a leap of faith and escape the Lithuanian winter by going to Malta and Spain. This time, the trip was much better. Partly because she was older and partly because we were better prepared.

We continued travelling after: explored southeast Asia and the beautiful capitals of Europe, lived in Spain for almost two years and hiked around the Valencian region on a frequent basis. Then our baby Jay was born and new challenges of travelling as a family of four appeared. I had even less time on my hands for the pre-travelling research now with two kids literally in my arms. 


Every time we travelled I would look for child-friendly restaurants and explore the new areas by visiting places that would be interesting not just for them but for us, grownups, too. Merely looking for spots for my kids to play, which is a crucial part of any child’s daily routine, took up so much of our precious time while travelling.

Every time we travelled I wanted to find baby/toddler-friendly restaurants, explore the city/region with little ones that would be interesting not just for them but also for us, parents. And we wanted to find places for them to play. That took so much of my time that I already didn’t have a lot with two small kids. 

I still felt overwhelmed and confused before each trip because a new country would require new research. Each travel experience piled on top of another one and the whole idea for Trip with Toddler brewing at the back of my head rose to the surface.


Through trial and error, tears and smiles, and years of experience and research, the current version of the website was born.


Our mission is to help and encourage families to travel with small kids. We want to help parents and caretakers overcome their worries and explore the world even with babies and toddlers. Doing so has strengthened our family bond and boosted our children’s development and understanding of other cultures and we believe it can have the same benefits and many more for your family, too. 


If you feel overwhelmed or don’t know where to start when preparing for your trip with a toddler, visit our blog where you’ll find useful information about travelling. You can also simply drop us an email and we’ll try our best to help you out!